Week 2 Progress

Week 2 Progress
The class starts with a heart-warming atmosphere although it's quite cold outside because of the raining weather. Mr.Charles took the initiative to arrive a way bit early than I have expected, which totally deserved a thumbs up!

There are many interesting slides shown on the screen and each of us were fascinated by how different the way of imparting priceless knowledge and values to us using a completely fun way.

A good news definitely cheer us up: We do not have to sit for any exams for the module Creative Thinking Skills! The lecturers encouraged us to express our thoughts in a unique way.

Today, we learnt how to differentiate facts and opinions. Besides that, we are exposed to the concept of Zig-Zag in the learning process. It basically means that the learning process doesn't have to be monotonous and fix.

At the end of the class, we were briefed about assignment 1:
1) 10 people in a group
2) Draw a flag
3) Post your team photo on Instagram
4) Group leader submits a compilation of PDF file in TIMeS
Anticipating for the next class!
