Week 4 Progress

Week 4 Progress

To be honest, we are extremely happy when we were told that there wasn't any tutorial class in the afternoon because today was also an important day: Assignment 1 presentation. It was no doubt that there were numerous groups that were very talented and hardworking. I was really nervous and excited to showcase our efforts in front of our lecturers on stage. Among all the groups that have presented, I personally think that The Rainbow Blimp Movement group's presentation had really made Foundation in Design students proud because they fought for the sake of students in the creative industry, which we shouldn't be looked down just because we are not doctors holding PhD certs. E2 also brought pride to us on the creative ways they present their ideas although they only has 5 people in their group.

Overall, I think our group has put our best foots forward too as all of us played our parts well in finishing this assignment together as a team without much confusion and arguments. Peace!
